A downloadable Font Library

Chastity's font library used in Chaste Tris and Chaste Puyo

When my made my two games Chaste Tris and Chaste Puyo, I did not want to use any of Raylib's built in font features. I wanted something blocky and retro. Therefore I made my own bitmap font files and code to read and use them that ONLY my programs understand.

I created this side project entirely devoted to my font library as a complete afterthought because I wanted to add some features and the code was mixed into my games but wasn't yet a project by itself. Now it is and I hope my code is useful to other people who can understand it. I am also very willing to answer questions people may have about it.


ray_chastefont.zip 10 kB

Install instructions

You need to have Raylib installed and have some knowledge of compiling. Compiling main.c results in a small program which opens a window and displays several sizes of text from my bitmaps fonts.

Development log

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