What is Chaste Tris 3

SDL Chaste Tris 3

This is version 3 of Chaste Tris.

Version 1 used only software surfaces.

Version 2 used the modern hardware renderer

Version 3 has all the features of version 2 but also includes music and possible future updates!

Version 2 will continue to receive some updates and bugfixes as necessary. It is easier to work on because it doesn't use any music. Although music is great, it also slows down development time. For this reason there will be times when Chaste Tris 2 makes more sense for faster load times and a smaller download. For those who prefer the music and don't mind downloading a bigger zip file, Chaste Tris 3 will be the standard choice for most, but not all, people who are fans of my game.

To support my programming work, please buy the original version on either Steam or itch.io

Also, tell your friends about it!



In the future I hope to write a more detailed guide on the controls and how to play it. But really all you need to know to get started is:

WASD or arrow keys move the block

Z and X rotate it

and C holds the block for later use. It can be swapped infinite times with the current block.

N goes to the next song. There are 3 songs.

M mutes or unmutes the music if you need to turn it off for some reason.

The game also has the ability to save and load at any point in time. This is a neat feature that I have shown in some of my videos. Please contact me if you want to know more:


I have also added some basic fullscreen support and I am not sure exactly what option will be used to enable it or if it will just be the default option.


linux_sdl_chastetris_3.7z 17 MB
Jun 03, 2024
windows_sdl_chastetris_3.zip 18 MB
Jun 03, 2024

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